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What's new - v1.29

10 June, 2024

Alice avatar
Written by Alice
Updated over a week ago

We've got some new and updated features in this update.

You don't need to do anything, you'll see the changes automatically the next time you log in.

New features

Agenda Duplication

Secretaries can now streamline the meeting preparation process. When creating an agenda, you can choose to:

  • Create a new agenda from scratch

  • Copy an agenda from a past meeting

Actions Improvements

Create Actions directly from the Meeting Minutes

While in Meeting Minutes users can now create draft Actions, increasing their productivity and not having to switch to other windows.

The total number of drafted Actions will be available to the secretary.

After that all the secretary needs to do is to confirm that the system has correctly assigned an assignee and a deadline for the task based on the title of the Action and publish it.

Filtering of Actions by meeting

Now when you enter the section with Actions, you can filter them by specific meetings.

Meeting Quorum

This feature allows users to set quorum requirements for meetings, track attendance to ensure quorum is met, and receive notifications if quorum is not met. This enhancement helps ensure that important decisions are made with the right level of participation.

Amended features


We've made some changes to the way Actions work.

Action card on the dashboard (Web + iOS)

Your Dashboard will now give you all the information you need about Actions, both on your computer and iOS devices.

Understanding by the creator of the Action that it has been completed (Web + iOS)

Now users will be aware by email that the Action they created was completed both on a computer and on iOS devices.

User can download an attachment from an action or the result of an action completion

Users will now be able to download attachments from Actions.

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