View document details
Viewing the details of a document allows you to see who has access to it. It allows you to share documents by switching on view and download access for individual users.
Go to Documents and locate the document you want to view. (Try switching between All, Recents, and Starred tabs.)
On the More Options menu, select View details.
Select the About tab. Here, you can view the document and the description, and open it.
Select the Access tab.
Here, you can view the users who have access to the document, search for users, and check the permissions for each user. (Users can be given permission to view, or view and download.)
You can grant view or download permissions for each user using the icons (to apply to all users, use the icons next to the Search box):
- Select the eye icon to allow or restrict view access- Select the download icon to allow or restrict users from downloading
Select Save and notify to let users know you've changed their access. (You can select Save without notifying if you don't need to inform them.)
The More Options menu also allows you to rename, move, favorite, download, copy the link to, and delete the document.
Administrators and secretaries can delete documents.