Signature request was created to increase the Efficiency and Transparency of your work in Ideals Board. In order to send a document for signature you need to:
Open the Tasks section
Click on the Request button
Select the Signature option
In the field that opens:
Enter the title of the request
Select the document to be signed. You can either add the document through the selection window or use drag&drop
Select the users who should sign the document. This can be one user, several users or a whole group of users
Select Due date
Enter a request description
Click Next button
When creating a signature request, the mandatory fields are both the document addition and signer. If one of these fields is not filled in, the request cannot be created. The other fields are optional.
6. To complete the creation process, you will need to define the locations where your selected users should leave their signatures. To do this, in the opened section on the selected document, define these places using drag&drop:
In the Signer area, opposite each name, you will see the number of required signatures for each Signer.
Signature placeholders size can be adjusted (resized, make smaller or bigger) or deleted according to your needs. Click on the placeholder to make the adjustments.
7. Click Send
Done! Now all the users you selected will receive a notification that they need to sign up the document for their Dashboards and secretary can track the signing progress of each assignee in the task details. Assignees will:
Receive email notification
A dashboard card with all relevant information about required signature will be displayed on their dashboard
Users will have the opportunity to review the document itself before signing. The signing process itself will start only after they click the Start button in the opened document view window:
Following the best practices of solutions such as Adobe Sign / DocuSign / PandaDoc etc., Ideals Board will automatically show the user where their signature should be left.
Users will be able to both draw their own signature and use previously used signatures.
The signed document, in addition to the signature itself, will also have information about the signer, as well as the time stamp when the signature was left.
Once document is signed by all assignees it will be also available in the “Signed” tab in the Documents area for easy find and convenience.