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Managing user access to folders
Managing user access to folders

Learn how to configure folder access in the product

Olivia Thompson avatar
Written by Olivia Thompson
Updated over 4 months ago

To grant access rights not to each document in a folder, but to an entire folder at once, users can use the Managing user Access to folder function. To do this:

  1. Open the Documents section

  2. Select the folder whose access rights you want to customize and click on it.

  3. Configure access rights in the window that opens on the right side of the screen:

    In this window, users can customize the ability to view and download folders. Select the right users and the right permissions - they will be granted automatically.

Users can only configure download permissions if the folder can be viewed as well

By changing permissions for the entire folder - the same permissions are assigned to all subfolders and documents. This also works the other way around: when a user is granted permission to access a parent folder, that permission should automatically apply to all subfolders and files in that parent folder.

Users have two options to customize access:

1) Give access to all users at once. To do this, select the desired access in the All users column.

2) Configure point access for specific users. If there are difficulties in visually finding the right user, use the search bar.

In cases where a subfolder or file is assigned specific permissions other than the parent folder, these child permissions override all inherited permissions from the parent folder

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